Thursday 17 February 2011

BA (Hons) Graphic design
Name - Laura Toal
UCAS number - 107-144-9635
Contact number - 07742606324

Visual language - "Self Esteem" - Stitching and water colour.

Visual language - "Self Esteem" - Stitching and water colour.

I scanned my stitched figures in and added water colour to them, using colours like red, yellow and orange and emphasised the different colours in the skin.
I have always had a great love for portraiture which used to be confined to just photo realism when i had a love for artist Chuck Close and illustrator Victoria Frances. However over the last 6 months y love for portraiture has developed and artists such as Egon Schiele and Jenny Saville now interest me with their use of mark making and striking use of colour to create controversial and shocking images which are yet , still beautiful.

Visual language - "Self Esteem" - Stitched figures + type.

After the success of my stitched typography i looked at creating some images using the same technique. I created these images based on some photographs i had taken leaving the spare thread hanging again as a way of mark making and adding emotion. I chose to use images where the subject didnt show her face to reflect how low self esteem can affect young women.

Visual language - "Self Esteem" - Stitched type.

I then became very interested in the language around the issue of Self esteem and researched into what effects how we see ourselves. I then produced pieces of type based on my research looking at mark making as i think it reflects the emotions behind the subject well. These images were created by scanning my pieces of stiched type and adding watercolour.

Visual language - "Self Esteem" - Drawing with collage and stitch.

These are some other images i drew based on photograhs i had taken which i scanned in and added self esteem quotes to which i found off the internet. I chose to use stitch and collage for my text to add another texture to my work.

Visual language - "Self Esteem" - Drawing with Photoshop.

This is the brief i am currently working on labelled "Visual language", where we chose a piece of text, or a quote and created work based around it. I chose to work around the definition of self esteem. I started the project by doing observational drawings which i converted into photoshop where i upped the contrast and brightness of the image to add emotion to my image.